Gigarom 4
Mac Giga-ROM 4.0 - 1993.toast
FirstClass User
FirstClass User 1.66.rsrc
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Text File
77 lines
Sorry, there is not enough memory to display all messages in this conference.
Host does not appear to be a FirstClass Server. Check the phone number, the modem type, hardware handshake settings and cable, and auto speed setting.
FirstClass User requires System software version 6.0.3 or later.
File Transfer Failed because
Time Limit must be at least 1 minute (use "Unlimited" for no Daily Limit or "Default").
Invalid Time Limit. Format is hh:mm, "Unlimited" or "Default".
Invalid Auto logoff time. Format is mm:ss.
Invalid Audit Period.
Invalid Audit Time.
Invalid Expiry Date.
Sorry, you must select one of the attached files first.
User defined field IDs should be both unique and greater than 1000. (1001 and up).
Sorry, that form cannot be displayed because it's form template was not found.
Sorry, Auto Registration is not available at the moment. Please contact your system administrator.
Sorry, this has not yet been approved.
Sorry, you can only approve items in conferences for which you are the moderator.
The First Class User Interface is running low on memory. Please close some windows.
You must select an object before executing this command.
You have too many windows open, please close unneeded windows before opening new windows.
The server has logged you off.
Warning: You will be logged off in 30 seconds.
User could not be added.
No matching names were found in the directory. Try using fewer characters: for example 'sm' matches smythe.
Passwords different, password has NOT changed.
File transfer failed.
Cannot open file.
A file transfer is already in progress.
You cannot write to the disk. Check that it is not write-protected, and that there is enough free space.
This object is not a conference:
There is no response from the server modem. Check that the phone number is correct and that you have selected the correct modem.
No dial tone. Check that your modem is connected to the phone line.
There is no answer from the server. Please try again later.
The line is busy. Please try again later.
Please close the object first.
Unknown Error has occurred.
Command cancelled by the user.
There has been a communication failure with the server. Please try again later.
Sorry, First Class has run out of memory.